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I'm glad you're here.

  • Struggling as a stepparentnot knowing what to do or say?

  • Is your partner constantly upset with either you or your childleaving you wondering if you can do anything right?

  • Are you blamed for things your ex-wife does that you can't control?

  • Thinking of marrying someone with kids & don't know what to expect?

  • Concerned how your child will react to you remarrying or having a baby?

  • Does your stepfamily feel like chaos with you cringing whenever your stepchildren are around?

  • Newly remarried and wanting to get your 'blended' family off on the right foot?


Whether you're a stepmom feeling isolated and at the end of your rope, a stepdad who has no influence in his own home or are a biological parent trying to keep everyone happy but are failing miserablyYOU'RE in the RIGHT PLACE !


Thought-Based Approach

Merging Clinical Know-How with Personal Experience for 

Support That Makes a Difference

Family Portrait 5

Who can benefit from Success For Steps?

Newlywed step-couples wanting to get their family off on the right path. 

Why? The process focuses on helping partners understand and effectively manage their new family system; thus, setting them up for long-term success.


Married couples who are at odds with one another and feel things aren't improving (despite your efforts) or are actually getting worse. 

Why? Spouses will learn better ways to communicate—whether about the child(ren) and/or the ex—developing a plan of action tailored to your needs that'll work to everyone's advantage. 


Stepmoms confused and frustrated about their role.

Why? The reasons are endless. Whether you're childless, childfree or have children of your own... being a stepmother is hard. Truth is being a stepmom is the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I possess both the personal experience and the scientific know-how to, not only guide you on your journey, but improve it.


Stepdads who are at a loss for finding guidance.

Why? Everywhere you look it seems that everything is about the plight of the stepmom. What about stepdads? Well I've worked with countless men- helping them be heard by their wives and, in doing so, given them confidence in their stepdad role. 


Biological parents caught in the middle.

Why? You're the rope being pulled tirelessly from both ends. Add to this demands from your child's other parent and you've got yourself a new gig as a tightrope walker. You'll learn tools to get you off this high-wire act.    

Our Mission

"My passion is to help individuals, couples and families make their experience in 'step' a successful one. I do this through providing education, awareness and tools that are able to be implanted immediately. I want to partner with you in creating the relationship and family life you deserve because you're worth it."

-Christina Roach 



For nearly two decades Christina Roach has been working with stepfamilies. Whether you are a stepparent or biological parent, she's helped countless individuals and couples develop step-by-step solutions that fit their lives.


Taking a thought-based approach, she brings her expertise as a mental health professional and personal experience as a parent—biological and step—to the table when working with her clients.  This is what makes Success for Steps® unique.

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Christina Roach

Couples & Family Counselor 

Specializing in Stepfamilies


“We are in a much better place now.  

We communicate more and argue less.

You helped us overcome a tough time

in our stepfamily.”

- Tampa, FL Couple


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